
number of values of 'a'(from 0 to 9) for which the no N = 2345631143a4 is divisible by 12 is: 0, 1, 2,more than 2 i know the ans is 2.. plz explain.thanks in advance

number of values of 'a'(from 0 to 9) for which the no N = 2345631143a4 is divisible by 12 is:

0, 1, 2,more than 2

i know the ans is 2.. plz explain.thanks in advance


2 Answers

AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD
420 Points
13 years ago

Dear Jayati

As N is divisible by 12 or I can say divisible by both 3 and 4.

For divisibility by 3, sum of digits shuld be divisible by 3

sum of digits=36+a

so a can be 0,3,6,9

For divisiblity by 4 last two digits shold be divisible by 4

So a can be 0,2,4,6,8

To be divisible by both a=0 or 6

hence 2 is the answer

All the best.




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jagdish singh singh
173 Points
13 years ago

742_24699_gif.latex (77).gif

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