
Explain the initiation of muscle contraction. What is the role of sacroplasmic reticulum , myosin head and F- actin during contraciton in striated muscles .

Explain the initiation of muscle contraction. What is the role of sacroplasmic reticulum , myosin head and F- actin during contraciton in striated muscles .


1 Answers

Dr.Adam Shaik
askIITians Faculty 387 Points
7 years ago

The function of Sarcoplasmic reticulum is to releases calcium.
During resting stage of muscle the thin filaments and thick filaments are apart (seperate),
where the myosin binding sites with actin filament are blocked.

During contraction (excitation) process, calcium molecules binds with actin (thin) filament and
initiates the binding of Myosin (thick) filament with Actin (thin) filament
finally leading to muscle contraction.
for further clarification also study sliding filament theory step by step.
Hope the images gives u better understanding.519-1437_anm5s5_1.jpg519-610_myosin.jpg

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