
Sir I’ve got 11877 rank in general category. Sir plz tell diff. Between IT and CS? Also which should i prefer IT in NIT Kurukshetra or CS in NIT Jalandhar?

Sir I’ve got 11877 rank in general category. 
Sir plz tell diff. Between IT and CS?
Also which should i prefer IT in NIT Kurukshetra or CS in NIT Jalandhar? 


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 1241 Points
8 years ago
CSE: Computer science engineers are involved in many aspects of computing, from the design of individual microprocessors, personal computers and supercomputers to circuit designing and writing software that powers them.

IT: Information Technology deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to store, protect process, transmit and securely retrieve data. IT professionals perform a variety of tasks that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases.

The major difference between both these field is that IT deals with the application of computing technology to real life processes, while, Computer Science deals with the science that facilitates these applications. To make it short and simple, Computer Science is the creation of software and hardware by using different programming skills. On the other hand, IT is just the selection of the proper software or hardware for the task.

If you dont have any prefeential order choose CS in NIT jalandhar

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