
Why was LSD legalized? Was it because of flash backs or...?

Why was LSD legalized?

Was it because of flash backs or...?


3 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
9 years ago
I don't see LSD becoming legalized. To begin the DEA and our government is very strict and stubborn when it comes to illegal drugs. Just look at the battles with legalizing marijuana. LSD has a big reputation for being a dangerous drug although it is a hallucinogenic which is actually one of the safest substances compared to other drugs out there, there is still too much propaganda out there on it's dangerous that not many people know of it's good side or are just to brainwashed to realize it. 

In contrast though, it being legal would cause chaos for society in terms of too many people trying it and using it in irresponsible, abusive ways which could be dangerous. So I don't see any chance of it ever being legalized although I do hope for more scientific testing to be done and maybe one day have it be a drug where you need a license (or prescription) to use and be regulated rather than just being completely illegal.
Vikas TU
14149 Points
9 years ago
Don't think it will ever be legalized for public usage, perhaps some day it will be re-legalized for Psychiatric Therapy as it is quite effective in the treatment of many Psychiatric illnesses.
britto george
96 Points
9 years ago
this is a simple question and you can get good things from solving this so just try

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