
In Back Titration. In second Titration (When we mix impure substance with A) , do we take the same amount of volume of A as we take in the first titration?

In Back Titration.
In second Titration (When we mix impure substance with A)
, do we take the same amount of volume of A as we take in the first titration?


3 Answers

Sunil Kumar FP
askIITians Faculty 183 Points
9 years ago
in second titration if A is titrated with B then B should be standarised then it should be titrated with A .B should be standarised with C.
EX-we have to calculate molarity of HCl acid by titrating it with NaOH base. But for that NaOH must also be standardized.So for the whole process, we do double titration. First we standardize NaOH by titrating it with a standard oxalic acid solution. And then, we find out the molarity of HCl by titrating it with standardized NaOH solution.

no you are wrong aht i said was about second titration
for back titration
A(unknown amount to calculate) +B(excess)--------C
B(unreacted) +D-------B completly reacts
here from 2 we determine unknown amount of B reacting and from this we calculate B amount reacting with A and thus the amount of A.
IMPORTANT-B does not react with C
12 Points
9 years ago
But one of the conditions of back Titrations are B should not react with impure substance (c)
britto george
96 Points
9 years ago
this is a simple question and you can get good things from solving this so just try

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