
In an isobaric process the ratio of heat supplied to the system (dq) and workdone by the system (dw) for diatomic gas is

In an isobaric process the ratio of heat supplied to the system (dq) and workdone by the system (dw) for diatomic gas is

Grade:12th pass

3 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
For the isobaric process, for n = 1 mol.
From the first law of thermodynamics,
U = 2.5*RT
W = R*T
and Q => U – W => 2.5RT – RT => 0.5RT J
3007 Points
7 years ago
For isobaric process and n = 1. dQ = 5/2 RdT + RdT = 7/2RdT. And dW = RdT. So ratio of dQ/dT is 7/2.Hope it clears. If still u have doubts then please clarify. If u like answer then please approve the answer.
3007 Points
7 years ago
Sorry for correction as in above solution i assume question of physics. For chemistry sol is as.For isobaric process and n = 1. dQ = 5/2 RdT - RdT = 3/2RdT. And dW = RdT. So ratio of dQ/dT is 3/2.Hope now it clears. If still u have doubts then please clarify. If u like answer then please approve the answer.

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