
Please explain me Principle of atom conservation in detail and the kind of questions that can be asked from this topic.

Please explain me Principle of atom conservation in detail and the kind of questions that can be asked from this topic.


2 Answers

878 Points
13 years ago

Dear rishabh,

The principle implies Number of atoms remains constant. Lets understand this with an example.

1g of a mixture of cuprous oxide and cupric oxide was quantitatively reduced to 0.839 g of metallic copper. what is the weight of cupric oxide in the original sample.

The solution is:

63.563 + 16 = 79.563
127.126 + 16 = 143.126
x*79.563 + y*143.126 = 1
x*63.563 + y*127.126 = 0.839
x = 0.006925497
x*79.563 = 0.551 g cupric oxide


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Sagar Singh

B.Tech, IIT Delhi

Rishabh Dabral
32 Points
13 years ago


I didn't understand the last three steps of the example....plz explain me in detail.

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