
My phone no.has 7 digits: if the last four digits are placed in front of remaining three then it becomes one more than twice my no. ?

My phone no.has 7 digits: if the last four digits are placed in front of remaining three then it becomes one more than twice my no. ?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Ashutosh Sharma
askIITians Faculty 181 Points
8 years ago
let us consider the number to be ABCDEFG so according to question if i place DEFG in front of ABC that is DEFGABC so the number got one more then double hence DEFGABC > 1+2x(ABCDEFG).

consider ABCDEFG to be 1234560 and DEFGABC becomes 4560123
so equation becomes (1234560)x2 = 2469120

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