
two trains each having a same speed of 30km/hr, are headed at each other on the same track. a bird that can fly at 60km/hr flies off one train when they are 60km apart and heads directly for the other train, it flies directly back to the first and so forth. a) how many trips can the bird make from one train to the other before they crash b) what is the total distance that the bird travels

two trains each having a same speed of 30km/hr, are headed at each other on the same track. a bird that can fly at 60km/hr flies off one train when they are 60km apart and heads directly for the other train, it flies directly back to the first and so forth.
 a) how many trips can the bird make from one train to the other before they crash
 b) what is the total distance that the bird travels


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 112 Points
8 years ago
Apply the concept of relative velocity(let say keeping one train at rest) for the first round the moving train will going to move with 60 km/hr and bird will going to move with 30 km/hr
and for the return path bird will going to move with 60 km/hr all these observations are wrt to the train at rest. Follow this procedure definitely you will be able to get the result.

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