
A solid Square Plate is spun around different Axis with same angular speed .In which of the following choice of axis of rotation will the kinetic energy of the plate be the largest: 1) through the central normal to the plate 2) along one of the diagonals of the plate 3) along one of the edge of the plate 4)through one corner normal to the plate

A solid Square Plate is spun around different Axis with same angular speed .In which of the following choice of axis of rotation will the kinetic energy of the plate be the largest: 1) through the central normal to the plate 2) along one of the diagonals of the plate 3) along one of the edge of the plate 4)through one corner normal to the plate


1 Answers

Rituraj Tiwari
askIITians Faculty 1792 Points
3 years ago
dear student,657-2422_Annotation 2020-07-20 211451.png

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