
for 2 masses.a balance reads F1 and F2 respectively and F1>,the masses are immersed in water and the balance shows readings f1 and f2....identify statement which is "not" always true. a)f1>f2.....b)F1-F>F2+F....C)f1+f2=F1+F2 D)NONE OF THESE

for 2 masses.a balance reads F1 and F2 respectively and F1>,the masses are immersed in water and the balance shows readings f1 and f2....identify statement which is "not" always true.

a)f1>f2.....b)F1-F>F2+F....C)f1+f2=F1+F2 D)NONE OF THESE


2 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear tushar

f1=F1- buoyance force on m1

f2=F2- buoyance force on m2

option a can not be true

because f1 and f2 depends upon buoyance  force on them which depends upon their size .

 option c  also cannot be true clearly f1+f2 < F1 +F2

option 2

nothing is given in question abt F

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shanky shanky
18 Points
14 years ago

its ans will be=B

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