
I am from TS Board Of Intermediate, I am expecting to get a score of 700 out of 1000 in my 12 th class. How much should i get in JEE MAINS and ADVANCE to get into an IIT (only IIT)?

I am from TS Board Of Intermediate, I am expecting to get a score of 700 out of 1000 in my 12th class. How much should i get in JEE MAINS and ADVANCE to get into an IIT (only IIT)?


3 Answers

Vijay Mukati
askIITians Faculty 2590 Points
8 years ago
Dear Student,

For cutoff you may refer the below link. But for IIT you must target under 5000 Rank for getting branch of your choice.

Jani Satwik
20 Points
8 years ago
I am asking how much marks should i score? Not how much rank i should get. I am okay with whatever branch i get but it should only be in IIT
Vijay Mukati
askIITians Faculty 2590 Points
8 years ago
Dear Student,

I can not say you about the marks because the maximum marks for the JEE paper may vary. Like for 2014 each paper of advanced was of 180 marks but in 2015, it was carrying 240 marks.

Its better to target atleast 50% marks.


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