
What do u mean by coordination sphere polymerization process nd examples of all polymers that exit in bidentate ligands

What do u mean by coordination sphere polymerization process nd examples of all polymers that exit in bidentate ligands

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Ravleen Kaur
askIITians Faculty 1452 Points
6 years ago
Hello Student,

Coordination polymers represent an ideal example where the supramolecular concepts of self-assembly have been applied to crystal engineering.

J.C. Bailar in 1964 has defined 6 the term coordination polymers as ‘‘A coordination polymers is an infinite array of coordination complexes in which metal ions are bridged by multidentate ligands’’.

Inorganic chemists probably prefer to use the term CPs, while solid-state chemists tend to prefer the term MOF. The term coordination polymer very broadly encompasses all the extended structures based on metal ions linked into an infinite chain, sheet, or 3D architecture by bridging ligands. Whereas the term MOF is very much appropriate to use for 3D networks, it is inappropriate to use for extended 1D or 2D networks, so these are called coordination polymers.
copper 4,4′-bipyridyl

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