
what could be the marks range for rank around 66 in Jee Advanced 2016. Please Tell me nearly accuratly. Thank u.

what could be the marks range for rank around 66 in Jee Advanced 2016.
Please Tell me nearly accuratly. 
Thank u.

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Vijay Mukati
askIITians Faculty 2590 Points
8 years ago
Can be around 370-380.
Soneel Verma
823 Points
8 years ago
It depends, but may be around 380, what is your score? Did you get in somewhere? if not then you may try at some other renowned institutions where the students are provided with quality education as well as promised best ever placements in top rated institutions, like – Thakur College of Engg and Mgmt, Mumbai,..........Lovely Professional uni, Phagwara,.....................KDK College of Engg, Nagpur,..................GAlgotias Uni, Greater Noida

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