
Sir I’ve got 90 marks in jee mains and also I’hve got 98% in 12 th examination(Andhra Pradesh Board) . And I am OBC.What is my general and obc rank rank that I’ll get in jee mains?

Sir I’ve got 90 marks in jee mains and also I’hve got 98% in 12th examination(Andhra Pradesh Board) . And I am OBC.What is my general and obc rank rank that I’ll get in jee mains?


3 Answers

Nishant Vora IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2467 Points
8 years ago
Dear student,

Pls check opening and closing rank of college and branch that you want to take admission in on its official website
12 Points
8 years ago
Sir,Is the rank predictor provided in your website is real or fake?
If it is right then I’ve got  estimated rank of 16388,OBC category rank is 3690.Then in which NIT’s I could get E.C.E branch?
Nishant Vora IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2467 Points
8 years ago
yeah thats our nearest estimation and its 99% correct
Now check the opening and closing rank of NITS in ECE branch ..

IF eg ur rank = 16388
opening rank of NIT warangal ECE= 5000
closing rank of NIT warangal ECE = 8000

so u can’t get in NIT warangal ECE
as ur rank should lie between 5000 and 8000 for getting there

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