
A ball of mass 200g is moving with velocity 30×1000000 cm/s. If we locate the base ball wolith an error equal in magnitude to the 1 of the light used(5000 Armstrong) how will the uncertainty in momentum be compared with the total momentum of base ball?

A ball of mass 200g is moving with velocity 30×1000000 cm/s. If we locate the base ball wolith an error equal in magnitude to the 1 of the light used(5000 Armstrong) how will the uncertainty in momentum be compared with the total momentum of base ball?


1 Answers

Sourabh Singh IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2104 Points
7 years ago

At such high speed mass wil be variable . So normal newtonian mechanics cant be applied . You might consider heisenberg uncertanity principle but that will not be applicable .
So just use variable mass and you will get the answer

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