
sir i read in ur posts that u suggest LG WADE for organic,but will a combination of Sanyal and Solomon suffice?and also is mechanics very important for IITJEE?if one has LG WADE does one need OP TANDON? also please suggest some good books for inorganic lastly is IE IRODOV relevant for IITJEE preparation?

sir i read in ur posts that u suggest LG WADE for organic,but will a combination of Sanyal and Solomon suffice?and also is mechanics very important for IITJEE?if one has LG WADE does one need OP TANDON?

also please suggest some good books for inorganic

lastly is IE IRODOV relevant for IITJEE preparation?

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Rahul askIITiansExpert.IITR
110 Points
13 years ago
LG Wade is sufficient

Mechanics is very important, there are many topics which need a thourough study of mechanics

no I don't think so. Wade is sufficient

for inorganic: complete NCERT. and revise from it . IT is sufficient.

IE Irodov is not relevant today. BBut if you are a very good student than u can solve it.

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