
Explain with reason whether the potential energy in the following two cases increases or decreases. a) A spring is stretched b) A body moved in the direction of gravitational force

Explain with reason whether the potential energy in the following two cases increases or decreases. a) A spring is stretched b) A body moved in the direction of gravitational force


3 Answers

Abhiraj Singh Rathore
57 Points
9 years ago
increases in a) as the elastic potential energy increases
decreases in b) as the height decreases and so gravitational potential decreases
2061 Points
8 years ago
look shahbaz potential energy means that the arrival of the stability of the particular object 
2061 Points
8 years ago
if the potential energy decreased then this means that the stability has been achieved by the object
if the spring is stretched this means that that is is unstable hence pe increases 
while movement in the gravitational force means gain of stability thus pe decreases
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