
sir now i am in 10 th std studying i like to study in eng or medicam i like bio. bt i am intrested in technollogy bt my math is weak not so more. means i more in math than medium level. bt in eng math is imp. so how i prepare for it from now? can i crack eng. entrance. i like to do it with IITs so how can i prepare for it? and which type of career oppurtunities in the eng. how can i choose it

sir now i am in 10th std studying i like to study in eng or medicam i like bio. bt i am intrested in technollogy bt my math is weak not so  more. means i more in math than medium level. bt in eng math is imp. so how i prepare for it from now? can i crack eng. entrance. i like to do it with IITs so how can i prepare for it? and which type of career oppurtunities in the eng. how can i choose it


3 Answers

Vijay Mukati
askIITians Faculty 2590 Points
8 years ago
Dear Student,

Firstly choosing eng or medical is totaly depends upon your interest. Go towards your interest even if you are slightly week in it. You can work on it and imporove them.
Regarding carrer opportunites, Again depending upon your interest, you will be choosing a stream in which you wants to pursue your engineering.

42 Points
8 years ago
dear friend,
you may crack eng but that is depending on your interest.No one in Engineering are talented they too may also learn by practising more.
242 Points
8 years ago
please do hard work atleast 3 hours for mathematics and prepare well ncert text books.thank you......

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