
Sir, after my board exams I m planning to solve a sample paper for jee main 2015 everyday. Can you please suggest me a good book which can provide with 10-15 sample papers for jee main 2015? I m giving this exam offlne. The book should have solutions also. Thank you!

Sir, after my board exams I m planning to solve a sample paper for jee main 2015 everyday.
Can you please suggest me a good book which can provide with 10-15 sample papers for jee main 2015? I m giving this exam offlne. The book should have solutions also.
Thank you!


2 Answers

Yash Baheti IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 97 Points
9 years ago

Take Arihants past year paper series.
They come for both mains and advanced these days.
Alternatively for mains you can take Past year AIEEE sample papers and for advanced you can take IIT JEE sample papers.

You can aslo enroll with askIITians for our test series.
Here we will provide you 4 JEE Mains papers and 2 JEE Advanced papers with solution.
Shagun Kala
18 Points
9 years ago
What do you prefer and which one is better?
Solving past year papers or sample papers?

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