
my bitsat score is 285.will i get B.E.chemical engg or msc physics in bits goa or bits hyderabad?

my bitsat score is 285.will i get B.E.chemical engg or msc physics in bits goa or bits hyderabad?


1 Answers

Ramreddy IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 49 Points
9 years ago
These are the cut offs(2013) for BITS Goa and hyderabad for chemical and MSC physics:
B.E.(Hons.): Chemical 279
M.Sc.(Hons.): Physics 279
BITS hyderabad :
B.E.(Hons.): Chemical 280
M.Sc.(Hons.): Physics 276though the cut offs vary from year to year. But still you may expect that this time you will get as per ur marks.

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