
in some exam of jee state level there is a sentence “you have to get atlest 60% in board exam in three subject(math.phy,chem) taken together” what is the meaning of ‘taken together’ here?

in some exam of jee state level there is a sentence “you have to get atlest 60% in board exam in three subject(math.phy,chem) taken together” what is the meaning of ‘taken together’ here?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 1281 Points
8 years ago
Dear student
Here when they say “taken together” this means that the average % of marks in these three subjects (PCM) should be 60% which can be calculated by using this formula
= [ ( total marks secured in Physics + Chemistry + Maths ) / 3 ]*100
If this % is more than 60 then it means that you are eligible to sit in that exam.

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