
I couldnt get into iit dis year,as I couldnt complete syllabus in time and didnt give many practice tests.I got AIR 9670 in aieee, 273 in bitsat and am in bits waiting list.what should I do now?is it better to join any college or should I drop 4 i year, as I am confident about iit jee,dis time

I couldnt get into iit dis year,as I couldnt complete syllabus in time and didnt give many practice tests.I got AIR 9670 in aieee, 273 in bitsat and am in bits waiting list.what should I do now?is it better to join any college or should I drop 4 i year, as I am confident about iit jee,dis time


1 Answers

Amit Askiitiansexpert
112 Points
13 years ago

Dear  deepika,


Top NITS are best at your rank .. 


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Amit - IT BHU

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