
what is the scope of civil engineering for girls?i’m much intersted in it.Let me know about higher study options,job opportunities in india and abroad.

what is the scope of civil engineering for girls?i’m much intersted in it.Let me know about higher study options,job opportunities in india and abroad.

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Harishwar IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 50 Points
9 years ago
Nowadays, girls/women do all the professional activities that have only done by boys/men a few decades before! Girls/women are there in the fields of defence services, aeronautics, driving heavy vehicles and auto rickshaw, politics, and many more. Even though these are true, civil engineering is generally preferred by males, because of the nature of the job!

As a civil engineer, you need to tackle all the labourers---it's really a tough job! Have you ever seen a "female mason"? I've never seen a "female mason" so far. Therefore, you must have the skill of tackling the male-domited workers. That would be psychologically difficult for you if you have come from an orthodox family!

Generally, by doing civil engineering and mechanical engineering degree, you will get only "factory-based" or "factory-related" (i.e. field work) job. If you are bold enough, you may go with it; if not, you may choose some other filed!

If you do not like "factory-related job" and like only "office-related job", you may choose:

1. Instrumentation
2. Information Technology
3. Electrical Communication Engineering
4. Computer Engineering

If you like only civil-related engineering, instead of going for "plain civil engineering", you may choose:

1. Architectural engineering
2. Structural design engineering

Suraj Prasad IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 286 Points
9 years ago
Civil engineers design and supervise the creation of structures. Not just buildings - civil engineers work on everything from tunnels and dams, to highways and airports, to water and sewer systems. They use computer technologies and advanced materials to design structures that meet the needs of a growing population while protecting the environment, reducing the dangers from natural phenomenon like storms, and considering future needs of the community.


A four-year college degree is required for most civil engineering jobs. Many civil engineers specialize in structural, hydraulic, water resources, environmental, transportation, or management positions and will seek engineering degrees specific to those fields.


You are a Civil Engineer, if you:

Can listen to people's concern and express their worries accurately to others
Are good at networking to get the information you need
Can influence people
Have a good grasp of physics and math
Enjoy speaking to groups and moderating or facilitating discussions
Will eagerly learn all the latest technology
Are fascinated with how to move large numbers of people around efficiently
Take the initiative to get things done.


Anywhere people build things, you can find civil engineers. Some work in offices, others on construction sites. Depending on the project, civil engineers can work regular business hours or longer.


The average annual salary for an entry-level civil engineer is $58,808.*


Ensure safe drinking water by managing a community’s water reservoir
Develop an art museum that provides state-of-the-art protection for paintings
Cut down on airport delays by designing a better runway system
Design the structure of one of the world’s tallest skyscrapers
Build cheap, sturdy shelters for victims of hurricanes and flooding

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