
Sir, can you please help in selcting a good option :- DTU(AE /PCT /EP / MCE / PIE) Vs NSIT(ICE) Vs USIT(CS) sir iam very much confused between these my interest is towards CS but ia aslo liked ICE branch of NSIT & also DTU(MCE) is really good of all the options mentioned above . please keep placements also in view sir.

can you please help in selcting a good option :- DTU(AE /PCT /EP / MCE / PIE) Vs NSIT(ICE) Vs USIT(CS)
sir iam very much confused  between these my  interest is towards CS but ia  aslo liked ICE branch of NSIT  & also DTU(MCE) is really  good of all the options mentioned above . please keep placements also in view sir.


1 Answers

Amit Shekhar IIT Kharagpur
askIITians Faculty 25 Points
9 years ago
NSIT(ICE) is a good option which you can opt for.


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