
on of my friwnd is sleeping 5 hrs is it good sir

on of my friwnd is sleeping 5 hrs is it good sir


2 Answers

Anjali Ahuja
askIITians Faculty 234 Points
9 years ago
Hi student
I hope your friend is studying for rest of time. And yes for good health and active mind, rest and a sound sleep is necessary and that must be of six or seven hours.
Health comes first and then the hard work,
Ask him to make proper time managment and give required time to sleep also along with the studies and other works.
Raheema Javed
156 Points
9 years ago
Sleeping only for 5 hours is not a solution. This will only increase problems as it will affect the concentration while studying. The solutiuon lies in time management and intelligent study. We should give our time to those tasks which are very important for scoring good in exams.

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