
i made mistake in filling roll no bubble in omr sheet in jeemain paper held on 6th april 2014 will my omr sheet be rejected please help really tensed

i made mistake in filling roll no bubble in omr sheet in jeemain paper held on 6th april 2014
will my omr sheet be rejected please help really tensed


11 Answers

Sunil Kumar FP
askIITians Faculty 183 Points
10 years ago
i think so it would be rejected because the nmachine detects the bubble and if you would written wrong with pen above roll no then it would work.

thanks and regards
sunil kr
askIItian faculty
sneha singh
33 Points
10 years ago
Hi, There are chances that your omr sheet will be rejected but this happen in worst condition. They usually conform both roll no i.e roll no marked through oomr sheet and roll no written with pen on space provided for roll no. There are 10% chance that your omr sheet will be cancelled.. But may i ask why you have not informed invigilator regarding this mistake. They would definitely help you and keep care of these things in upcoming examination.
11 Points
7 years ago
hello sir /madam  i written appsc ae exam on 18th december 2016.on omr sheet i will written my roll number correctly.butbubbling will wrong by one letter then i will light scratch that wrong my omr sheet will vadilated or not please advise me any one
Ram Patel
24 Points
7 years ago
when OMR (machine) rejects this kind of sheets, they check manually so there is not a big problem. It must be avoided but if it occured don’t worry
Imran Mohiu
24 Points
7 years ago
Hello sir today I have given appsc group 2 exam.. I bubbled my hall ticket number properly but while writing hall ticket number on top column I made slight scratch.. Iam tensed that weather my omr validated??
15 Points
7 years ago
heloo sir i have written all the roll nmber correctly but the roll number in words i have miss the one number in five papers  i am very tention
11 Points
6 years ago
I have written all my roll number correctly but 1 bubbles filled wrongly I am very tention plz help me
17 Points
6 years ago
Sir plz chick my roll no 1to6 paper wrong roll no fill bubble plz roll no 43748 plz chick my roll no plz chick my roll no plz chick my roll no sir plz
11 Points
5 years ago
I made two bubbles for same question but one 30 percent and another 100 percent dark. What will happen
13 Points
5 years ago
Sir I forget to fill one bubble in roll no ...Will my omr sheet is rejected for primary teacher exam....plz help me
Kushagra Madhukar
askIITians Faculty 628 Points
3 years ago
Dear student,
For most of the examinations if there is any discrepancy between the records, for e.g. the roll no. and the name may not match up in your case, generally the data in these sheets is cross verified manually. So if you have filled the rest of the bubbles and other data correctly you might not face any problem.
But as a suggestion for future, please be extremely attentive while filling the OMR and if you have done any mistake in it either ask the examiner for a new sheet or if it is not possible then ensure the rest of the data must be correct. And it is always recommended to fill the data both in boxes and the corresponding OMR circles.
Thanks and regards,

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