
Howto increase concentration on studies?

Howto increase concentration on studies?


2 Answers

Shobhit Varshney IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 33 Points
9 years ago

Find an appropriate study environment.Generally, it is a good idea to eliminate distractions as much as possible while studying.Find a quiet area, such as a private room.
Turn off any electronics that you don't need, especially cell phones and computers (provided you don't need a computer). Turn off music players or listen to music without words.
Clear away anything you do not need and keep things organized to reduce stress and allow for better concentration. SeeHow to Concentrate on Studies
If you are around noisy people, or can't stop the chatter going on in your head, turn on some white noise.

Saurabh Kumar
askIITians Faculty 2400 Points
9 years ago
Try these...

1..Find an appropriate study environment.
Generally, it is a good idea to eliminate distractions as much as possible while studying.Find a quiet area, such as a private room.
Turn off any electronics that you don't need, especially cell phones and computers (provided you don't need a computer). Turn off music players or listen to music without words.
Clear away anything you do not need and keep things organized to reduce stress and allow for better concentration. See How to Concentrate on Studies
If you are around noisy people, or can't stop the chatter going on in your head, turn on some white noise.
Gather your study materials such as notes, textbooks and papers
. If using a computer, exit out of email and messengers.

3. Take breaks from subjects so you don't get bored
. Switch between subjects but be careful not to mix them up.

Find an effective study method.
Some people use flash cards for memorization, but there are many other ways to study. Invent your own if none seem to work for you!

Use the SQ3R method for reading:"Survey" the book by skimming for titles,
subtitles, captions, and anything else that could be important.
"Question" by turning all of the titles and subheadings into study questions to track your reading once you finish a chapter or section.
"Read" to find the answers to your study questions then answer any questions at the beginnings or ends of the chapter to make sure you learned what you needed to.
"Recite" your questions orally and try to answer them. Use notes from the text but be sure to re-state them in your own words.
"Review" the reading afterwards to keep it fresh in your mind for when you need it in school.
If you find something you don't understand, research it further online or in a book to understand it better.

Study well in advance
. Instead of cramming everything into your head the night before the test, start studying a little bit earlier so you won't get overwhelmed.

Always have a determined attitude.
Do not let your own selfish/foolish acts get in the way of your concentration, but have determination to finish what you have started.

Good Luck…...

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