
Sir, I didn't get the admit card and applied for duplicate card along with Attested photo, copy of application form and demand drafts. But may be if I do not get the admit card due to our postal service Is there any option to download the aieee admit card from the website?


I didn't get the admit card and applied for duplicate card along with Attested photo, copy of application form and demand drafts. But may be if I do not get the admit card due to our postal service Is there any option to download the aieee admit card from the website?


1 Answers

AskiitianExpert Pramod-IIT-R
47 Points
14 years ago

Dear Ms. Geetika;

Do not worry about this. You will get admit card before exam , they will send a admit card by speed post and they have also started provisional admit card as given link.

If any how you will not get your admit card then you will have to go with some ID proof (Not college ID) with 2 photos. Better is check latest admit card. and do not worry about this part, you will not face any problem in this matter.

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