
electronics at pec or it at igdtu ? which is bttr …......can u plz tell hw is igdtu .. its placement etc.....

electronics at pec or it at igdtu ? which is bttr …......can u plz tell hw is igdtu .. its placement etc.....


2 Answers

Vijay Mukati
askIITians Faculty 2590 Points
8 years ago
It will be better if you compare their placements records from there websites. Thanks.
Soneel Verma
823 Points
8 years ago
Both are equally good, so, My suggestion is to visit the official weblinks of both the instiotutions and check out details regarding fee structure, student intake, placement data and pauy packages etc, and wherever you find better features go for that, else add some more elite class institutions like – Banasthali Uni, Banasthali,...................PPR Inderprastha Uni, Karnal,................Lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara,.................BITS Pilani,......etc.  in this comparison list and get to knw which one is batter and then accordinghly make your choice.

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