
Find the minimum and maximum values of y in 4x^2+12xy+10y^2-4y+3?

Find the minimum and maximum values of y in 4x^2+12xy+10y^2-4y+3?


1 Answers

Shobhit Varshney IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 33 Points
9 years ago
Dear student,

Thanks for your post. The question is a bit unclear, I am assuming you want to know the minimum and maximum values of the whole function (as it makes sense)

Let f(x) = 4x2+ 12xy + 10 y2– 4y + 3
= (2x + 3y)2+ (y-2)2 - 1

Therefore , minimum value of f(x) = -1
maximum value of f(x) = infinity

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