
Sir I'm not able to solve this. It's from quadratic equations . I am preparing for jee mains/advance

Sir I'm not able to solve this. It's from quadratic equations . I am preparing for jee mains/advance

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Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Aditya Mishra
13 Points
6 years ago
It`s pretty easy, since you are prepping for JEE I`ll tell you the approach if we go on solving for values of x and then actually finding the roots it will take a lot of time considering the value of discriminant has some complex quadratic in it....and thats surely isn`t what JEE want`s you to solve they don`t want you to solve complex quad`s they want you to know the what should be the approach then, it`s given that the roots are opp in sign(that would be some clue) which means prod of roots would be negative ! Thats it, apply the simple formula of prod of roots = c/a

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