
Please suggest if I should buy Neela Bakore notes on biology book or not. Is it a good book for up to aiims level??? Her video lectures on YouTube are too good.

Please suggest if I should buy Neela Bakore notes on biology book or not. Is it a good book for up to aiims level??? Her video lectures on YouTube are too good.


3 Answers

Adrija Chatterjee
37 Points
5 years ago
I wouldn't advise you to buy her books. Go for certified cbse and isc books because they are more authentic. You can also try ncert books because they have a jist format. I would suggest Srijan publisher books as they have detailed reference and questionnaire. Main aim should be getting the comcepting and studying accordingly. Books are just study aids. So better not buy too many books and get confused!
Madhumita bhowmik
15 Points
4 years ago
Yes,I do read Neela bakore ma`am notes which gives a detailed analysis of each chapter which makes learning funmust say the lectures are well in accordance
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
Dear stuent 
It will depend on you , we can not tell you which material to follow at this place.........................

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