
Sir my obc rank is around 36000 and general rank is 121356 and I have passed 12 from Chandigarh with82.8%. Can I get a seat In nit Delhi. ​

Sir my obc rank is around 36000 and general rank is 121356 and I have passed 12 from Chandigarh with82.8%. Can I get a seat In nit Delhi.

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Akshit Matthew
80 Points
8 years ago
Brother I think that you want CSE or IT then I suggest you to try any other NIT like Jalandhar it is in your homestate and Srinagar,Jaipur there are chances that you may get one of these in 3rd or spot round.
Ayushmaan Vardhan
804 Points
8 years ago
With this score i can’t commit you anything like getting a seat at NIT Delhi, you better visit the official weblink of Jeemains and get to know your status there....if you are able to make it ther, well and good, else, try at some other renowned institutions like – Sai Vidya Inst Of Tech, Bangalore,.........Lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara,........Jadavpur uni, Kolkata,................Inderprastha Uni, Delhi

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