
in 3 rd round nit biotech went upto 61122(obc).i have a obc rank of 72000.can i get that in 4 th / spot round?

in 3rd round nit biotech went upto 61122(obc).i have a obc rank of 72000.can i get that in 4th/ spot round?


2 Answers

Vijay Mukati
askIITians Faculty 2590 Points
8 years ago
Yes you may get. Best of Luck.
Soneel Verma
823 Points
8 years ago
Yes  there are chances to get a seat, keep visiting the official weblink of Jeemains and Josaa to check the latest updates,....if ever due to some reasions you could not make it then try visiting the official weblinks of some other renowned uni,colleges like – BHU, Varanasi,...............Maharishi MArkandeshwar Uni, Ambala,................Lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara,..............DTu, Delhi,.......          where the students are provided with quality educationn followed by better placements

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