
i am getting 51 in jee main 2015 .as, paper was bit tough this time is their any chance of clearing for jee adv? 2 questions are also doubtfull (is their would be any grace)? does grace means adding of no. to our existing score.?

i am getting 51 in jee main 2015 .as, paper was bit tough this time is their any chance of clearing for jee adv? 2 questions are also doubtfull (is their would be any grace)? does grace means adding of no. to our existing score.?


5 Answers

Nishant Vora IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2467 Points
9 years ago
Dear student,

If you belong to general catagory and getting 51, it would be difficult to clear cutoff. If some questions are annouced as bonus than that question will be marks correct for all. So everyone will get 4 marks for that questions. This does not make any difference to your rank though because rank is relative concept. But there is no officail annoucment of grace marks from JEE’s side

12 Points
9 years ago
i am a sc candidate.
12 Points
9 years ago
does it mean if 2 question are grace then 4+4+51=60?
615 Points
8 years ago
If you belong to general catagory and getting 51, it would be difficult to clear cutoff. If some questions are annouced as bonus than that question will be marks correct for all. So everyone will get 4 marks for that questions. This does not make any difference to your rank though because rank is relative concept. But there is no officail annoucment of grace marks from JEE’s side
Aniket Bagga
53 Points
8 years ago
i suggest to try getting admission at – RCC Inst of Info of engg, pune,......lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara,......JJTU Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan

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