
hi sir/madam I got 130 in jee mains and having 85% in cbse boards and belongs to sc category and also having delhi home state qouta as well. So can i expect cs/it at NSIT and what will be expected AIR (while answering please be specific about branch)???

hi sir/madam
I got 130 in jee mains and having 85% in cbse boards and belongs to sc category and also having delhi home state qouta as well.
So can i expect cs/it at NSIT and what will be expected AIR (while answering please be specific about branch)???


2 Answers

Nishant Vora IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2467 Points
7 years ago
Dear student,

Pls check opening and closing rank of college and branch that you want to take admission in on its official website
Aneesh Sehgal
955 Points
7 years ago
You have bright chances to make it at leading institutions of the country, so you better do one thing...visit the weblinks of IITs and NIITs to check the cutoff list, accordingly it may be decidede on your own what’s better for you, or else if you want to pursue admission other elite class institutions of the country, you may try at these places – VIT Vellore,........JJTU, Rajasthan,.......LPU, Punjab,...........Sharda University

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