We keep reading about IIT JEE preparation tips, study methods and exam strategies now and then. Often, these JEE exam tips suggest very different approach of scoring more in exam. So, we decided to bring you the JEE exam strategy right from IIT JEE toppers:

  • Chitarang Murdia is the JEE Advanced 2014 topper. According to him, it is hard work, focus, determination and all-round support of parents that helped him to AIR #1. He says, “Curiosity helps us understand fundamentals, facts and concepts better. Regular studies in 3-hour time slots (the exam period of JEE exam) did the trick for me.” He suggests that while studying for the exam, students should make short revision notes that can help you cover the entire JEE syllabus within 45-50 days gap period between JEE Main and JEE Advanced. Also, learning from one’s mistakes can go a long way in helping you improve your scores.


  • Sai Chetan, AIR #2 ranker in JEE Advanced 2014, scored 322 out of a total of 360 marks. In JEE Main, he secured AIR #14 with 340 marks out of a total of 360 marks. According to Sai, “Systematic preparation plan is the key to my JEE success. I used to study in class for 4-6 hours a day and devote another 6 hours to my self-preparation.” He also gives all the credit of his JEE performance to his teachers. He also says, “Do not lose hope and confidence. JEE questions are not very tough. They are mostly based on the basics. So, work on fundamentals and try to improve your speed and accuracy.”


  • Nikhil Chaturvedi scored AIR #4 in JEE Main 2013 with a score of 321 out of 360 marks. He shares that he focussed mainly on NCERT and JEE Advanced course and relied mainly on practice tests. In JEE Main exam, he allotted 45 minutes for Chemistry which is his strongest subject, 1 hour for Physics and and rest to Maths. Nikhil says, “For JEE Main, you need speed and accuracy rather than in-depth knowledge. So, solve as many sample papers, mock tests and previous year JEE papers as you can.”


  •  Saideep Reddy had AIR #91 in JEE Advanced 2012. His JEE score was 330 out of a total of 401. He emphasizes that JEE syllabus is vast enough. So, students should stick to it and not waste their time on topics out of syllabus. Moreover, they should not stay up whole night in the last 2 months and be consistent instead. He also suggests that while writing an exam, one should mark tough problems first. Solve the other ones and then, solve the difficult ones with full concentration.



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