
Divanshu Garg, a Computer Science Graduate from IIIT Allahabad, topped the Google APAC code Jam and later received a job offer from Google.
Being an algorithms enthusiast and finds his interest in solving the toughest mathematical and algorithmic challenges, Divanshu also secured top ranks in several coding contests such as ACM-ICPC, codeforces, topcoder, codechef etc.

Divanshu Garg

Talking about the Google Interview Process Divyanshu said, “I bagged the first position in India and seventh globally in the Google APAC Code Jam by answering the 3 out of 4 problems asked, based on which Google called me for an interview at their on-site office located at Bangalore.”

With the dedication towards algorithms Divyanshu has made his journey look easy, but it was not that easy when he started it. On being asked about his strategy while preparing for the Google APAC Code Jam he said, “While preparing for the ACM ICPC contest I got my algorithms knowledge strong and also improved my hand on mathematical reasoning and data structures as well. I practiced on Codechef, Topcoder and Codeforces vigorously from several study materials.”

Introduction to Algorithms by CLRS is the book that Divyanshu prefers for the aspiring students and for DBMS he finds the course books are enough for preparation.

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