JEE Main 2015 Results: Will bonus marks by CBSE affect you

There is good news for who appeared for JEE Main 2015 exams. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which conducted the JEE Main exam, has announced that it will give 4 marks to all students who appeared for the exam as one of the Physics questions was incorrect. None of the given options were correct for the question.

There was another JEE Main question in which two options were correct whereas students were instructed to mark only one of the answers as correct. In this case, the Board has announced that students will be given full marks for the question if they have marked either of the two correct options.

The answer keys and the images of the Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) sheets of candidates have already been released on the official website. Many students have already compared the two and calculated their expected JEE Main scores. JEE Main 2015 result and score card will be declared on April 27, 2015 though.

13 lakh students had appeared for the JEE Main exam this year, out of which only top 1.5 lakh students (across the categories) will make it to JEE Advanced 2015 level. In the JEE Main merit list, ranks will only be calculated for students who are in the top 20 percentile of their respective boards. JEE Main scores will carry 60% weightage in the JEE Main rank and Class 12 board marks will carry 40% weightage.

Since JEE Main ranks reflect the relative performance of students and the CBSE will be distributing the free 4 marks to all the students, it would not make much difference to your ranking in general. However, if you are among the lucky ones who did mark one of the two correct answers of the other ‘question with error’, you might be able to skip over a few hundreds of students who did not attempt the question at all or marked both the answers as correct.

Those who make it to JEE Advanced 2015 will have to register for the exam between May 2 to May 7, 2015.

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