Placement season has started in IIT’s, and the results are pretty impressive after initial week of placement. And what made the headlines is a girl from IIT-Bombay who grabbed the most sought after offer to work in Uber International, USA.

MP born Aditi Laddha was among first few who got international placement and the one to grab top offer. Although reaching at the pinnacle is not new to her which she proved earlier when she cracked JEE-Advance with AIR(All India Rank) of six in the year 2013.

IIT Placements

She joined Computer Science & Engineering the same year and three years down the line got placed with top offer. She and another candidate by the name of Pranjal Khare are the only ones who got placed in UBER International. Among other girls who got placed with good offers are Palak Jain and Charmi Dedhia who got placed in Google(domestic placement).

Computer Science & Engineering is the most demanded course these days and the queue top international software giants such as Facebook, Google, Oracle, Microsoft, etc. are a proof of that.  But this surely does not mean that there was a drought like situation in other departments.

Apart from the above mentioned companies, the other international players that did shell out huge amount as salary or were ready to pay high enough to suitable candidate were  VISA, Bloomberg UK, Texas Instruments, Samsung, BCG, Goldman Sachs, Sony Japan, Shell, Airbus. This include foreign and domestic placement as well.

IIT-Madras and IIT-Bombay were good enough to attract big shots international players such as Bloomberg UK visiting the IIT’s for the first time.

Apart from all this, the interesting fact about scenario is the rise in number of girls who joined IIT’s after Aditi and have got placed with good amount of package. Since, engineering has been seen as male dominated course or career prospects that come up after pursuing engineering was thought to be for males, thus rise in number of girl aspirants is a positive sign.

In addition to that, the point to be considered is that candidates who get foreign placements are seen at par compared to those who get placed domestically. But the point that is not considered here is that all the calculation of annual savings comes to an equal, be it for domestically placed student or foreign placed thanks to the high cost of living in some of the foreign countries.

However, this still remains a point of debate whether you should opt for placement in foreign country or not. And this I will discuss in my upcoming blog/ blogs, till then keep following us and stay tuned for my next blog. This is Abhishek saying BYE..

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