4 Tips for Successful Metal Stamping

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While the average person may not know it, metal stamping production is part of our lives. The diversity of the products that are made and made well via metal stamping reach into our homes and businesses every day.

Items like a washing machine, dryer, and cooking vessels are made with this process. Parts in your automobile and computer are made with this process. The machines used at medical facilities and the construction of the facilities are all touched by this industry. So, what is it? Simply put, metal stamping is a machine that takes sheets or coils of metal and with a press and dies, presses them into a precise shape to exact design specifics.

●    Know your product

Nothing will ruin a metal stamping business faster than not knowing the right product for the results a customer needs. Fight the urge to go cheap. Even if it lands you the job, products made with cheap materials or cutting corners to get the price down will produce a substandard product. That product if your brand. Anytime your product fails to perform, that is your failure. However, do not overkill either. Know what the best material is for the particular installation. If the customer will get what he needs with a grade 304 stainless steel, don’t try to push him to a grade 316.

●    Don’t skip special coatings

If a coating is needed to enhance the usefulness or the life of the product, use it. It is smarter to figure in the additional cost than to cut that corner and end up with a substandard product.

●    Understand the differences and of your machinery

Only by knowing the differences and the performance levels of machines can a manufacturer provide superior service. Having the expertise that comes with years of experience and experiencing the evolution of modern metal stamping equipment makes a huge difference in this industry,

We are the experts. Bring us your questions. We know the right materials to use and we have a solid reputation for our integrity and honesty. We do not make promises we can’t keep. While we want your order, we prefer to have your business. When you build a relationship in this industry, it will serve you well.

Questions you should ask your metal stamping manufacturer.

  1. Are the supplies readily available to fill my order?
  2. Can you meet my deadline?
  3. What kinds of materials will you use?
  4. Will you provide special coatings and if so, which ones?
  5. How much will it cost?
  6. Do you have other customers that will give a reference?

Any qualified company should be able and more than willing to answer these questions. If they were not, I would be concerned. They should be able to make you feel comfortable with their service, experience level, and skill. They should have a website to direct you to with electronic methods of communication if needed. At the end of the day, we are only successful if our customers are successful.

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