Facebook-CEO-Mark-Zuckerberg-adwockNew Delhi: In an exciting development after the famous meeting of PM Narendra Modi and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Zuckerberg will hold a Townhall Question and Answer session at IIT-Delhi on October 28, 2015. It will just like be the one Zuckerberg hosted for our PM in Palo Alto last month.

“Indians form one of our most active and engaged communities and I would love to interact with them. More than 130 million people in India use Facebook”, said Mark.

Mark has also written a post on his FB page about it which goes on to say that if you want to ask a question to him, you can mention it as ‘comments’ on his post. If you want to vote for a question that has already been asked by someone else, you just have to ‘like’ it. Zuckerberg will answer questions asked to him on FB as well as by the live audience at IIT Delhi.

Recently, Mark had also shared a story about India and how a visit to the country helped Facebook through a rough patch. He said that when the FB was still not so popular, a lot of people had wanted to buy it out. He consulted one of his mentors – the Apple founder Steve Jobs – about it. Steve shared how he went to a temple in India to figure out what his vision for Apple would be. Mark visited the temple too, observed how people connected with each other and realized that helping people to connect with other is more important than he had previously thought. This realization, Mark said, has been his motivation to build Facebook over the last ten years.

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