The Joint Entrance Exam JEE Advanced 2015 is scheduled for day after tomorrow – May 24, 2015. Conducted by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), it is hailed as one of the most competitive and difficult undergraduate entrance exam.

Here are the 5 tips that are going to be incredibly useful to enhance your performance in IIT JEE:

1. Consistent preparation builds confidence: If you have studied regularly and have been consistent with your engineering entrance exam preparation, you have nothing to worry about. If not, there is nothing you can do now. No matter how hard or long you study, one just can’t crack JEE Advanced by studying just for 3 days. This is not the time to be anxious about your IIT JEE results. Meditation and calming exercises can help you curb exam anxiety.

2.Be conceptually strong: Now that you have covered your syllabus and are done with your revision work, it is time to go through the concepts once more. JEE Advanced questions are mostly application-based. So, besides knowing the theory you also need to understand how they can be used to solve different problems. Solved examples in your books or solved JEE can help you abreast the concepts better

3.Do not sacrifice accuracy at the altar of speed: JEE papers are often lengthy and have many complicated questions. Yet, if you take two many swipes and guessing the answers randomly, you may fall victim to negative marking and lose more marks than you realize. To build up speed, one can solve mock papers in a timed manner regularly. If you are in a fix, attempt easy questions first and come back to difficult questions later.

4.Hard work is the only way to Success: Do not overrate ‘smart’ studies. While it is good if you can avoid blunders other students make while solving papers or employ a few tricks here and there to reach to the solution more quickly, it is only clarity of your understanding of concepts and the number of JEE Advanced and IIT JEE sample or mock papers you have solved that are going to help you in the end. There cannot be any success without the hard work even if you are luckiest guy or gal on Earth.

5.Exam Strategy: Start writing the exam for the subject which you find easiest. Ploughing on through the questions will help you gain confidence. But do keep an eye on the watch for how much time you can devote to a section. Remember, you have to meet sectional cut-offs for making it through JEE Advanced too. Hence, once you have done all the easy questions from the first section, move on to the easy questions of the other section and so on. Take up the difficult or time-consuming questions only of you have time later.

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