JEE Advanced 2015 is over and soon about 10,000 of the lucky bookworms will now be allowed inside the hallowed gates of the IITs as the 2015-2019 batch. Here are some of the major disappointments & bitter truths you might face at the IITs:


  • IITs do employ world-class Professors but they delve in ‘Research’ rather than ‘Teaching’.
  • ‘Unlucky’ IITians are still praying for Girl to Boy ratio to perk up.
  • World wakes up at 5 am. It is the time for IITians to go to sleep!
  • The day you dread at IIT is your ‘birthday’! A BPL in this context means ‘Bum Pe Laat’.
  • Job offer of 1 crore per annum is ‘rare’. However, placements at IITs have really shone in the last 2-3 years.
  • 1 suicide per year has almost become annual sacrifice for Brand IIT.
  • Considering average IQ of students is much than the rest of the world, average output is too little to boast of.
  • Despite good marks in exams, you can still be held back because of ‘attendance’.
  • ‘Fasting’ and ‘dieting’ is preferable to mess food.
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