Are IIMs Corrupting IITians & Engineers from the Field of their Specialization?We all know how CAT toppers are mostly engineers. In CAT 2012, 9 out of 10 100-percentilers were engineers, including 5 IITians. CAT 2013 results only confirmed the stereotype. This year, all the eight CAT toppers (100-percentilers) are engineers, including two IITians and a BITSian.

Engineering + MBA has become a power combination in the corporate world. Once you do your B.Tech from an IIT, you are sure to try Common Admission Test (CAT) and enroll yourself into an IIM in the due course of time.

Does that mean that IIMs are actually leading our engineers and IITians away from the field of their specialization?

If a student wants to enter into management ultimately, is it wise to waste a precious IIT or NIT seat?

Should engineers be allowed to specialize only in MBA courses that are related to their technical expertise?  

Suggest ways to encourage engineers to pursue careers in fields related to their expertise.

Discuss how CAT can be made more accessible to students from other streams.

Comment here and let us know what you think about so many questions raised by engineers moving into management arena.
This post was contributed by Monika Rai, Askiitians expert

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