
two identical metal plates of area A arranged parallel to each other. the lower plate is held fixed and theupper plate is connected at its middle to one end of a spring of a spring force k. the other end of the spring is attached to a fixed support. when either f the plates has no charge, the equilibrium separation between them is d. now the switch is switched on to apply a voltage V between the plates. What is the maximum voltage V that can be applied as long as the plates dont touch each other?

two identical metal plates of area A arranged parallel to each other. the lower plate is held fixed and theupper plate is connected at its middle to one end of a spring of a spring force k. the other end of the spring is attached to a fixed support. when either f the plates has no charge, the equilibrium separation between them is d. now the switch is switched on to apply a voltage V between the plates. What is the maximum voltage V that can be applied as long as the plates dont touch each other?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
At minimum distance,d=0At this point, by balancing the forces,Kd=qEKd=q^2V (E=qV)V= (Kd)/q^2(Now since, C= KAe/d q/V= KAe/d q= KAVe/d q= AVe/d. As dielectric constant of air is 1)Therefore,V=(Kd^3)/(V^2A^2e^2)V= d(K/A^2e^2)^(1/3)I hope this helps.

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