Flag Electrostatics> The line charge density of a semi - circu...
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The line charge density of a semi - circular ring of radius r is a .find electric field intensity at the centre of the ring ? What is the total charge of an electric dipole?

Argha kolay , 7 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago


consider a small element of length dl on the ring ..let @ is the angle be radious vector with base then angle substended


by this element at center is d@ ...


arc/radius = @


dl = Rd@     ..............1


let charge dencity = p then charge of this element is dq


dq = p(dl) = pRd@ ..............2


electric field due to this element at center dE (magnitude)= kdq/R2


dE = Kdq/R2cos@ (i) + kdq/R2sin@ (-j)          with direction


dE = kdq/R2[cos@i - sin@j]


dE = kp/R [ cos@d@ (i) - sin@d@ (j) ]            lim from 0 to pi


E = kp/R [ -2j ]


 now we have p (charge per unit length) = Q/piR so


E = 2kQ/piR2 (-j)

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