
I’ve read that when a capacitor is connected to the terminals of a battery and if a dielectric is introduced (b/w the plates) in the capacitor the voltage across the capacitor remains unaltered. I want to know whether it is true even if a resistor or a bulb or an inductor is connected in series or in parallel with the capacitor

 I’ve read that when a capacitor is connected to the terminals of a battery and if a dielectric is introduced (b/w the plates) in the capacitor the voltage across the capacitor remains unaltered.
I want to know whether it is true even if a resistor or a bulb or an inductor is connected in series or in parallel with the capacitor


1 Answers

Aziz Alam IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 232 Points
9 years ago
The voltage across the capacitor remains unaltered if you connect anything in parallele to it. The moment you connect anything in series to the capacitor the coltage across the capacitor changes.

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