
Does an electric charge experience a force due to the field that the charge itself produces ? If no then explain why ?

Does an electric charge experience a force due to the field that the charge itself produces ?
If no then explain why ?


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 2095 Points
6 years ago
Dear student,

Let’s get to thinking about how we formulated the concept of electric field. We first had Coulomb’s law that ‘two charges’ attract or repel each other. From the force expression, we found the force per unit ‘charge experiencing it’,and named the vector as ‘electric field’- something that is produced due to a charge due to which ‘another charge’ kept at some distance of some finite magnitude would experience a force.

Now, since a charge does not apply Coulombic attrraction on itself, it does not experience a force due to its own field.

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